Review Flights with Appareo Envision Software

Easy to use, configurable software systems for Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) or Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA).

Built with a focus on ease of use

Many flight analysis applications require significant technical capability to operate with any kind of effectiveness. EnVision can provide deep access to raw data while delivering it in a simple, clean interface to automatically filter flight data and identify flights that require further review. This web-based application allows you to access past and current flight data, generate detailed reports, and trend the safety improvements in your operations. It’s available anytime from any location with internet access.

How It Works

Automated analysis begins with the Appareo Transfer Utility (ATU). After you transfer data from the aircraft to a local computer (via SD card), your flight data is uploaded to our servers for analysis. The transmission can happen instantaneously or it can be scheduled for a different time of day, based on your preferences. For instance, if you have operations in a remote location with limited internet bandwidth, you may prefer to schedule the data file transmission to take place during periods of low network activity.

Once data is received, Appareo EnVision goes to work; the software parses all flight data against customized event triggers that you have set for different aircraft or operations, based on the parameters defined in your organization’s flight ops. One of EnVision’s most powerful features is how easy it is to define your event triggers using a simple interface and drop-down menu to specify what parameters are important to monitor and when those parameters indicate a flight has deviated from operating procedures.

Click on the screenshots to view enlarged images:
Flight Review
Flight Review – Excessive Bank
Event Trigger – Pitch up on Landing
Latest Flights Page


Detailed reports are easily generated from those events, delivering the information you want to monitor and the ability to trend that information over time — enabling you to easily identify and address operational risk. Comprehensive data for every flight is archived on the Appareo servers, giving you convenient online access to your data whenever you need it.

View report examples:

Like having a virtual flight analyst watching every minute of every flight.

With EnVision you can:

  • Access and manage flight data from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Easily specify your own event triggers, no Appareo or third party consulting required
  • Quickly and easily see a timeline of flight activity and in which phase of flight any event occurred
  • Use the straightforward report-builder to create on-demand reports or schedule recurring, custom flight data reports
  • Search your database of archived flight data by aircraft tail number, device serial number, aircraft type, event triggers in flight, profile (a grouping of event triggers), or event severity
  • Leverage effective role-based profiling to let specific sites or portions of the operation view only their data while preserving the ability to have a corporate, whole-fleet, view of the flight operation and provide effective quality control

AS Flight

In addition to Appareo EnVision, maximize the effectiveness of your flight data with a powerful software suite for visualization and analysis that’s easy to use. Replay the flight with our rich 3D visualization software that incorporates a topographical map overlaid with satellite imagery. Your flight path and accurate flight position show you exactly when, where, and how the aircraft was being operated. This software will also sync with the Playback Utility, so you get a full picture of all recorded information.

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